A Sheople Bedtime Story............ by Freedom Man
Once upon a time in a mighty land between two mighty seas there was a man who
meandered about in a powerful land bountiful land blessed by the Almighty.
MM was in a jolly mood, wandering easily over hill an dale with staff in hand.
The grass was a rich and brilliant green, the day was sunny and cool.
A perfect day to stroll and visit the creatures of this land.
Reaching the top of one small hill he looked below and noticed an enormous flock
of sheople
Reaching the bottom of the slope he noticed most of the sheople were gazing in
fixation and wonder at these glowing and chattering TVs, somehow plugged in and
scattered about the landscape, others were lolling about on their backsides reading
“The Sheople News.”
Other were extolling their great sheople leaders and protectors. The Super Sheople!
Looking closely MM noticed the images of wolves in Super Sheople clothing, they
appeared on the papers, on the flicking TV screens and a station called FAUX , all
the screens had the same station, so it must be the only one they could pick up out
here. The same images were also on no trespassing signs, Vote for Shrub signs, on
little tags on the sheople’s ears, just about everywhere your could imagine!
It was oblivious that the Sheople didn’t see the wolves under the Super Sheople
They were hoodwinked so to speak.
MM was quite dismayed, very much so. He had not been to this end of the land for
many years and he need to get the attention of the sheople who resided there...
“Aahheemmmm..... Sheople” He stated..... no response
louder....”AAAAHhheeemmm” a few of the sheople turned there heads around for a
few seconds and then quickly turned them back again....because they knew it was
just the old and silly Shepard they once counted on to guard them from the
wolves....but, now they had the Super Sheople so he was of no further use to them.
Finally in desperation MM whipped out from under his robe a portable bullhorn,
turned it all the way up and shouted,
“Hey Sheople, its me MM, those are really wolves there you are seeing under all
that super sheople clothing, all the sheople turned there heads towards MM and in
unison began an immense chorus of baaaing in sheople laughter.... then some of
them replied: “That’s absurd, they are our protectors”, and others chimed in, “Our
friends” “Our defenders of free pastures”, “They will leave no Sheople behind”,
“Ah, you just want your old job back, that is why your trying to scare us, right?”
MM firmly replied to the later, “No, that is not true I am just trying to save you all.”
Another Sheople piped up, “AH, it ain’t true the worse that ever happens is we get
sheared every so many years, and that isn’t too awfully bad, I guess.”
MM Yelled back loudly into the milling crowd of sheople and said. “ I can Prove
Then a hush fell over the Sheople flock.... out from his left pocket MM whipped out
and held aloft a video cassette, this will prove the true, it is called “Fahrenheit 911"
have any of you sheople seen it....?
They all shook their heads indicating a no....
Well then see the tape and it will show you the same wolves without their super
sheople clothing. Show them all for what those wolves really are!”
“In unison the whole flock of sheople baaaed and wailed....as one.... “Lies, Lies,
Lies, nothing but Lies” and they stuck their hoofen fingers over their ears or eyes as
they had been taught to do by the super sheople media authorities..
When the clamor died down MM said “Well how do you know it is lies if you have
not seen?” it.....?
In unison they replied “The Super Sheople, told us that it is all lies, lies, lies, and
they our protectors they would never lie to us, never ever, ever lie to us”...
MM said.... “I told you they are Wolves and they will devour you, your valley and
everything else and make it their own...”
The flock of sheople now had become bored with the old Shepard and turned back to
what they were doing, ignoring MM”.... for they had made up their collective mind
that he was just like they told he and his film was... just a pack of lies and a liar...
MM put the tape on the ground, shook his head several times and silently walked
away out of the valley.
The End, sort of...........